Data Solution > Integration & Interpretation

Geological aspects to geophysical results


Integrating models and details at different scales and phases

The integration of geophysics, geochemistry, and geology data involves combining information from multiple sources to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the geological setting and potential mineralization of an area. By integrating these data sets and cross-referencing physical properties it is possible to identify areas with high potential for mineralization, prioritize exploration activities, increase the chances of discovering new mineral deposits and help to guide further exploration activities, such as drilling or additional geophysical and geochemistry surveys to confirm the presence of mineralization and determine its economic potential.

Data can be also integrated to an existing model and improve its subsurface imaging. The addition of new information is always a powerful strategy to polish knowledge and achieve an assertive result as the integration and improvement cycles significantly increase the model’s performance.

A good integration of data is critical to successful mineral exploration and GSM can help you bring light to your data.


Geological-based geophysical interpretation

To perform a successful interpretation, one thing is indispensable: experience. After several years working with different deposits in different mineral systems and its physical responses, we became capable of identifying geophysical expressions of geological features, recognize geological patterns through maps and correlate them with geophysical anomalies with excellence and then share the results in a clear and straightforward format. 
The understanding achieved after integrated  and interpretation multi datasets aims identify and delimit potential mineralization targets to guide exploration efforts. The key is to understand the process responsible for deposit formation and development, evaluate the possible variations in geophysical responses, integrate the most amount of available information to decrease aggregate errors and achieve information that can be clearly understood and effectively applicable for explorations strategies.

Structural Analysis

Magnetic data improving structural knowledge

Magnetic data can provide much more than geophysical anomalies. Structural analysis using products coming from magnetical data processing can provide information about size, shape and orientation of geological formations.

Faults, fractures and folds that are associated with mineralization can be mapped by techniques that can be used in different scales, from fine to coarse, to identify edges or boundaries in the magnetic anomalies. Worms or Multiscale Edge detection can be used to improve knowledge of usual geological environments.

For areas with complex magnetic structures or strong magnetic anomalies, PPDRC filters (Phase Preservation Dynamic Range Compression) provide information not achieved before. Enhancing weak magnetic anomalies by monogenic filters allows the extraction of weak signals that are buried in the noise earlier. Smaller (but important) structures can be mapped and improve local structural understanding, improving the resolution and accuracy of magnetic data interpretation, which can lead to significant savings in exploration costs.

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